Is blogging still important - and if so, what should I be blogging about?

September 11, 2024 | by NeSEO

Did you know your blog roll could be your ticket to better business? While often viewed as a marketing ‘nice-to-have’, rather than a marketing must, a regularly populated business blog roll can unlock so many wonderful plus-points. Read on to discover the importance of blogging and how to get started.

Why blog?

Blogging is a hugely underrated and massively underestimated resource on any website. Whether blogging for business or pleasure, publishing the content that is important to you and your brand can help you harness several advantages.

An updated blog roll can drive traffic to your wider website, boost your SEO efforts, position your business as an authority in its respective sector, generate leads, and deliver long term results on the marketing front. Publishing blogs regularly can also be a great way to take care of your customer base, providing them with the knowledge and insights that keep them informed and even inspire them to purchase again.

What to write?

When blogging, the subject of your post matters. Your posts should inspire, inform or entertain as a rule of thumb. Your choice of topic should give your audience exactly what it wants as well as incorporate the keywords or phrases that get your brand noticed by the search engines and ranking accordingly.

Write blog content that is relevant to your products or services, and useful to your target audience. Use customer queries as topics, analyse your best performing blogs so far for inspiration, and take a look at the competition to find blog subjects that resonate with your customers. You can also base your blogs on topical subjects or trends to engage your audience.

More blogging tips!

When it comes to blogging, consistency really is key. Many industry insiders agree that publishing blogs 2 to 4 times every week is the best way to reap the most rewards from your blog content. You should also format your text to make it more digestible for your readers. Use headings, sub-headings, imagery and an engaging sentence structure to make your audience want to read to the very end.

Writing in a style that suits your brand and connects with your audience is another must. Finding your voice isn’t always easy but once you do, you’ll be able to successfully engage readers with every post. Remember, longer blog posts are also better for business, with articles averaging 2,500 words or more generating the most organic traffic and backlinks overall.

Need a little help with your business blog? Contact our team for advice and support.